Professional and safe urology for all
At Clínica Premium we offer an inclusive service performed by the best professionals so that you always feel a sense of security.

The WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the men start visiting a urologist after the age of 45, based on the need for early detection and prevention of the most common health problems at this stage of life. Starting at age 45, men face an increased risk of developing certain medical conditions related to the urogenital and reproductive system.

Women who suffer from urinary incontinence should seek the care of a urogynecology specialist or urologist. These medical professionals are trained to diagnose and treat problems related to the urinary system and can address the various forms of urinary incontinence that affect women.
- Urological Checkups for Men
- Urological Checkups for Women
-Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men after skin cancer. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, and most cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 50. Screening tests, such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination, are important tools for detecting prostate cancer in its early stages, when it is most treatable.
-Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH):BPH is the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that is common in older men. It can cause urinary symptoms such as difficulty urinating, frequent and urgent urination. The urologist evaluates prostate function, size and provide the most appropriate treatment for your case.
-Erectile dysfunction: Men at some point in their lives may have problems to have an erection, motivated by various causes, such as: fatigue, stress, if they are under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs and in some specific cases by a serious illness, it is often a symptom of another health problem. Also with the passage of time, as men age, it is common for them to experience erection problems. The urologist can help diagnose and treat erectile dysfunction.
-Urinary tract infections: As men age, they are more likely to develop urinary tract infections. A urologist can diagnose and treat these infections effectively.
-Other urological conditions: Beginning at age 45, men can develop a variety of urological conditions, such as kidney stones, urinary incontinence and bladder disorders. A urologist can evaluate these problems and provide appropriate treatment.
It is important to note that the age to start urologist visits may vary depending on individual risk factors and medical recommendations. Some men may need to start before age 45 if they have a family history of prostate cancer or other significant risk factors. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss the scheduling of exams with your primary care physician or urologist, who can tailor recommendations to your personal needs and medical history.
– Incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo: It occurs when involuntary loss of urine occurs during physical activities such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting or exercising.
– Incontinencia urinaria de urgencia: It is characterized by a sudden and urgent need to urinate, often followed by the inability to get to the bathroom in time.
– Incontinencia urinaria mixta: : Combina características de la incontinencia de esfuerzo y la incontinencia de urgencia, lo que significa que una persona puede experimentar pérdida de orina tanto durante actividades físicas como debido a una urgencia súbita.
– Incontinencia urinaria por rebosamiento: Occurs when the bladder does not empty properly and there is a continuous dribbling of urine.
– Incontinencia urinaria funcional: Bladder control: Refers to the inability to control the bladder due to cognitive, physical or mobility problems, such as dementia, physical disability or confusion.
A urogynecology specialist or urologist will perform a comprehensive evaluation that may include medical interviews, physical examinations, laboratory tests and diagnostic studies, such as urodynamics and ultrasound. From this evaluation, the specialist will be able to determine the type of urinary incontinence that is affecting the patient and develop a treatment plan that may include behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes, medications, pelvic floor physical therapy or surgical procedures if necessary. It is important for women experiencing urinary incontinence to seek medical attention, as this is a common and treatable medical problem that can have a significant impact on quality of life.
Diagnostic tests
The annual urological checkup that men should have after the age of 45 years old includes among the necessary tests: physical examination, digital rectal examination, urological ultrasound, which may be accompanied by other tests, such as blood and urine analysis, PSA measurement and flowmetry. In addition, in our Urology Unit we have advanced high-resolution equipment that allows better visualization and more accurate detection.
–Urological Ultrasound: is a valuable tool for diagnosing and monitoring problems related to the urinary system and organs reproductive system in men. It is used to identify conditions to plan treatments and evaluate the health of organs such as the prostate, kidneys and bladder.
- Fusion biopsy: The most advanced and accurate diagnostic technique currently available for detecting prostate cancer, since it
indicates the area of the prostate most likely to harbor the tumor, adjusting the level of prostate cancer detection beyond 90%. This test consists of obtaining small samples of the prostate in order to know precisely whether the prostatic growth is benign or whether malignant cells are present. The technique of MRI Fusion (Multiparametric Resonance Imaging of the prostate) with ultrasound-guided biopsy has been developed in recent years and offers much higher resolution than ultrasound.
- The ExactVu Micro-Ultrasound System is the only high-resolution system (29MHz) that allows real-time visualization of the prostate and guided biopsies. It allows the physician to visualize suspicious areas that, in a standard ultrasound, would go unnoticed; therefore, performing biopsies directed to these lesions increases the quality and effectiveness of the biopsy. Conventional ultrasound only allows analysis on a centimeter scale; the average size of prostate tumors is only a few millimeters. The high resolution of the ExactVu Micro-Ultrasound System not only detects possible tumor foci, but also allows to assess whether they are more aggressive tumors.